Teaching Through Wikis
Let’s say that you don’t want to send
a ton of emails to your students with the evaluation plan, program or
classrooms activities because most of the emails that the students gave to you
are going to bounce back, either they wrote it incorrectly or that someone didn’t
receive anything and you wish that all that information were stored in a place where your students, supervisors and
even your students’ parents can see, download or even participate in the making
of information for that place or webpage. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the
Wikis. What is a Wiki you might say? Well, basically Wikis are shared pages
from the web 2.0 era that lets people post and share information at any time
and any place. The main feature of the Wikis is that more than one person can
participate on the development of the Wiki, by posting or editing previous or
new information. Let’s take the example of the famous/infamous case of
Wikipedia, this page is a shared one in which people post information for
educational, research purposes. In it, we can find topics regarding, health,
history, sports or music.

Other cases of Wikis are the ones that are specialized
on a certain topic, like for example a videogame wiki like the League of
Legends Wiki where the users post information about the game, also they post
strategy in order to master a character or explanation of the rules of the game
per se. How does a Wiki differentiate itself from other tools such as a blog
for example? Like I mentioned before, more than one user can post or edit
information that is published on the wiki, also, the content is dynamic, being
that it can change from time to time in order to keep the information fresh and
updated. Another aspect is that the information is organized in pages rather
than in post entries (like in the case of my blog). Other feature is that the
interaction between users and editors is less limited like in blogs where it is
only limited in the comment section of each post. Wikis are useful tools for education
too, imagine that you can post the program of your subject, your evaluation
plan and weekly activities and each of your students are notified without
having to send tons of emails. It sounds awesome, right? Well it gets better;
since it’s a shared page you can let your students be editors or writers of
your own wiki, letting them post their weekly assignments, or you can have them
participate in forums of discussion. The uses of a Wiki for ESL are huge, you
can assess and evaluate the student’s writing activities if you want to use
your wiki as a tool to assess and evaluate writing skills, also you can use it
to check your student’s reading skills or listening skills with readings or
videos. Other uses are for posting vocabulary list of the units that you are
working on, or a verb list with their respective conjugation. Summing up, I
invite you all teachers to use Wikis in your classrooms, also I invite you all
to my wiki: http://listeningcomprehensionclass.pbworks.com/,
it is still under construction, but soon I’ll start to post activities. Over
and out!
Phim 4k là gì?Có lẻ đây là câu hỏi mà trong số chúng ta rất ai biết đến, có thể bạn đã được nghe qua cái tên gọi phim 4k nhưng bạn chưa thực sự hiểu phim 4k thực sự là phim như thế nào
ReplyDeleteLời bài hát vì tôi còn sống của Tiên TiênVì tôi còn viết lên bao điều trong lòng tôi.
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Có nên quan hệ trước hôn nhân hay không?Đối với thế hệ trẻ bây giờ vấn đề quan hệ lúc yêu luôn là vấn đề nóng hổi, bởi có nhiều ý kiến trái ngược về vấn đề này.
Top những thú cưng dể thương vui nhộnCon người và thú cưng có một mối liên hệ rất gắn bó với nhau, nhất là khi bạn nuôi nấng và lớn lên cùng với chúng, thậm chí già đi cùng chúng